The predictive effect of serum HBV-RNA and HBcrAg on the disease changes in patients with chronic hepatitis B
DOI: 10.23977/medsc.2023.040108 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 799
Xirong Li 1, Zhuoran Ji 1, Jie Zhang 2, Xiaoni Kou 2
1 Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, Shaanxi, 712000, China
2 Affiliated Hospital of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xianyang, Shaanxi, 712000, China
Corresponding Author
Chronic hepatitis B has not been cured until now because covalently closed circular DNA (cccDNA) in the liver cannot be completely eradicated. In the era of continuous medical innovation, nucleoside (acid) analogues (NAs) can make serum HBV deoxyribonucleic acid (HBV-DNA) reach the detection limit, but only represents the interruption of virus replication. Liver biopsy is the gold standard for the expression of cccDNA transcriptional activity. However, it is an invasive detection method, and its clinical popularity is far from enough. Therefore, an alternative and accurate serum marker is needed. Hbv-rna (hepatitis B virus ribonucleic acid), in the form of virions containing pregenomic RNA (pgRNA), can be used to predict early liver fibrosis, viral rebound after NA withdrawal, and to evaluate the efficacy of new antiviral drugs. HBcrAg (Hepatitis B core-associated antigen) is a serum complex viral protein that helps predict HBV reactivation, the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma, the timing of safe drug withdrawal after NA treatment, and HBeAg conversion. Both are new surveillance tools. This article reviews the predictive significance of HBcrAg and HBV-RNA in the development of disease.
Chronic hepatitis B, HBcrAg, HBV-RNA, intrahepatic cccDNACITE THIS PAPER
Xirong Li, Zhuoran Ji, Jie Zhang, Xiaoni Kou, The predictive effect of serum HBV-RNA and HBcrAg on the disease changes in patients with chronic hepatitis B. MEDS Clinical Medicine (2023) Vol. 4: 46-52. DOI:
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