Research on the Upgrading Strategy of TV Journalism in the Context of Integrated Media
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2022.041114 | Downloads: 72 | Views: 1146
Sen Luo 1, Niao Xu 1
1 Sichuan University of Media and Communications, Xueyuan Street, Chengdu, China
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The appearance of the integrated media environment has brought opportunities and challenges to traditional media. How to move forward in the era of integrated media is a question worthy of consideration by media workers and media educators. This paper takes the advantages and disadvantages of television journalism development in the era of integrated media as an entry point, and analyses strategies for the transformation and upgrading of TV journalism in the direction of process reengineering, communication subjects and journalism education, in order to provide valuable strategies for the transformation and upgrading of TV journalism.
Integrated Media; TV Journalism; Upgrading StrategyCITE THIS PAPER
Sen Luo, Niao Xu, Research on the Upgrading Strategy of TV Journalism in the Context of Integrated Media. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2022) Vol. 4: 109-113. DOI:
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