Empirical Research on the Relationship between Urbanization Process and Urban-Rural Income Gap in China
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2022.041108 | Downloads: 26 | Views: 793
Du Shuying 1, Ding Mengchun 1
1 Changchun University of Science and Technology, Changchun, Jilin, 130013, China
Corresponding Author
Based on the vector autoregression model, using the time series data from 1997 to 2018, using the pulse response function and prediction variance decomposition method analyzes the dynamic relationship between the urbanization development and urban and rural income gap, the results show that the development of urbanization in the expansion of urban and rural income gap has a strong effect, and the long-term positive impact will be more significant. In the short term, the development of urbanization has a small positive impact on the expansion of the urban-rural income gap, but in the long run, the development of urbanization will cause the continuous positive increase of the urban-rural income gap. In a long time, the development of urbanization is an important reason for the widening of the urban-rural income gap. In general, the impact of the widening urban-rural income gap has had very little impact on urbanization. Through the var model, the policies and measures to guide and support foreign investment in rural areas are proposed to accelerate the narrowing of the urban and rural income gap and maintain social harmony and stability.
Urbanization; urban-rural income gap; var model; impulse responseCITE THIS PAPER
Du Shuying, Ding Mengchun, Empirical Research on the Relationship between Urbanization Process and Urban-Rural Income Gap in China . Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2022) Vol. 4: 63-72. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.23977/jsoce.2022.041108.
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