The Impact of M&As on Chinese Acquirers' Shareholders Wealth and Method of Payment in the Stock Market Turbulence
DOI: 10.23977/accaf.2022.030109 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 871
Ke Yang 1
1 Business School, Xi'an International University, 18 Yudou Road, Yanta District, Xi'an, Shaanxi, 710077, P.R. China
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The paper analyzes the impact of M&As on Chinese acquirers’ shareholders wealth after stock market crash, using the event method, collecting 508 companies’ data which have experienced Mergers and acquisitions between August 2015 and May 2016. The findings suggest that M&A creates significant wealth effects on announcement date, M&As create significant wealth effects in the short-term, cash payment M&As cannot generate more wealth effects than stock payment M&A as expected, but only cash payment M&As create significant abnormal returns at announcement date of M&A. And all results suggest that information leakage of M&A in China stock market.
M&As, wealth, method of payment, stock marketCITE THIS PAPER
Ke Yang, The Impact of M&As on Chinese Acquirers' Shareholders Wealth and Method of Payment in the Stock Market Turbulence. Accounting, Auditing and Finance (2022) Vol. 3: 59-67. DOI:
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