Economic Analysis of Urban Traffic Congestion
DOI: 10.23977/landrm.2020.010101 | Downloads: 34 | Views: 4040
Peng Wang 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Dalian University, No.10, Xuefu Avenue, Economic & Technical Development Zone, Dalian, Liaoning,The People's Republic of China(PRC)
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Based on economics supply and demand theory, this article analyzes the problem of urban traffic congestion in China and possible solutions. This article first explains the causes of traffic congestion from the perspective of economics supply and demand, and then analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of existing solutions to solve the problem. From the perspective of supply and demand, it is difficult for the existing schemes to fundamentally solve the problem of traffic congestion. Therefore, this article attempts to demonstrate the necessity and feasibility of collecting urban traffic congestion fees, and proposes a new solution to the problem of urban traffic congestion in China.
Supply and demand theory; cost problem; congestion charge; traffic congestionCITE THIS PAPER
Peng Wang. Economic Analysis of Urban Traffic Congestion. Land Resource Management (2020) 1: 1-3. DOI:
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