Study on Trade Facilitation in Zhengzhou Area of Henan Province Free Trade Zone
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2022.051209 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 1049
Qianqian Luo 1, Xinglong Li 1
1 Institute of Problem Solving, Zhengzhou College of Finance and Economics, Tianhe Street, Zhengzhou, 450000, China
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Qianqian LuoABSTRACT
In recent years, with the deepening of economic globalization, the international trade flow is more frequent, and the construction of the free trade zone bears an important responsibility for the development of regional economy. As a pilot zone of trade facilitation development and reform in central China, Zhengzhou Area has taken various trade facilitation reform measures in order, and the degree of trade facilitation is also developing rapidly. However, there are still some problems, such as imperfect Internet services, low customs clearance efficiency, imperfect policy environment, and lack of professional talents. Therefore, in order to enhance the trade facilitation degree of the free trade zone, we should improve the independent innovation ability, optimize the customs clearance efficiency, improve the policy environment, and improve the level of customs professionals, so as to promote the development process of trade facilitation in Zhengzhou area of Henan Free Trade Zone, and help the high-quality development of trade import and export in Henan Province.
Trade facilitation, Zhengzhou area of Henan Free Trade Zone, Customs clearance efficiencyCITE THIS PAPER
Qianqian Luo, Xinglong Li, Study on Trade Facilitation in Zhengzhou Area of Henan Province Free Trade Zone. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2022) Vol. 5: 77-84. DOI:
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