The Influence of Hotel Website Performance on Customers' Booking Intention-- A study of Atlantis Online Official Website in Sanya
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2022.050309 | Downloads: 15 | Views: 855
Li Zheng 1
1 School of International, Hainan Tropical Ocean University, Sanya, China
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With the continuous development of the Internet and the continuous rise of e-marketing, the form of consumer reservation has changed from face-to-face booking or telephone booking to Internet booking. As the main place for customers to book online, the official website has become an important online marketing platform for Sanya Atlantis Hotel. Nowadays, how to increase the attention of the website and increase reservation revenue is the the problem that Sanya Atlantis has to think. This needs to constantly improve their own website according to the development trend of the times, optimize the website performance.
Hotel website performance, booking intention, Sanya Atlantis online official websiteCITE THIS PAPER
Li Zheng, The Influence of Hotel Website Performance on Customers' Booking Intention-- A study of Atlantis Online Official Website in Sanya. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2022) Vol. 5: 55-63. DOI:
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