The Form of Foreign Network Fundraising Supervision and Its Enlightenment to My Country
DOI: 10.23977/accaf.2022.030106 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 1291
Haodong Liu 1
1 Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing, 400000, China
Corresponding Author
With the rapid development of the Internet, as a new way of fundraising, online fundraising came into being. Relying on a convenient network platform and fast and efficient network transmission, online fundraising can achieve faster and more comprehensive social assistance to a certain extent, providing an important supplement to traditional fundraising forms. However, as a relatively new form of fundraising, my country's online fundraising has also encountered some problems in the process of development, which have been questioned. and there are practical difficulties such as adverse supervision and single means.At the same time, some foreign countries started early in online fundraising, and in the exploration and development, they have also formed some online fundraising supervision experiences that can be learned and used for reference. Through further research, it can provide some beneficial enlightenment for the supervision of online fundraising in China.
Online fundraising, Supervision form, Supervision platformCITE THIS PAPER
Haodong Liu, The Form of Foreign Network Fundraising Supervision and Its Enlightenment to My Country. Accounting, Auditing and Finance (2022) Vol. 3: 31-35. DOI:
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