The Path Analysis to Increase Rural Income of Heilongjiang Peasant—the View of Transfer of Surplus Labor Force
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2020.030102 | Downloads: 39 | Views: 2191
Song ShuLi 1
1 School of Economic Management, Heilongjiang Bayi Agricultural University, Daqing ,China,163319
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Based on the view of increasing rural income by transfer of surplus labor force, this study took partial elements as independent variable to build partial least-squares regression (PLS) model. According to the statistic data from 2003 to 2017 in Heilongjiang province, we analyzed the prechose variable about route of rural income increased by PLS method using matab 7.0 to analysis the data. The research suggested that all chosen variables have positive effect, such as value of agriculture production, value of forestry animal husbandry and fishery, number of rural workers, number of rural migrant workers, the total power of agricultural machinery, agricultural production investment, non-agricultural income and rural per capita net income. Based on analysis of result, this study proposed the effective transfer of surplus of labor force is the policy suggestion for realizing rapid growth in rural income.
Rural, Partial Least Squares, Transfer of Surplus Labor Force, Rural IncomeCITE THIS PAPER
Song ShuLi. The Path Analysis to Increase Rural Income of Heilongjiang Peasant—the View of Transfer of Surplus Labor Force. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2020) 3: 14-22. DOI:
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