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Statistical-based approach to the analysis of blood oxygen saturation

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DOI: 10.23977/medsc.2022.030315 | Downloads: 5 | Views: 673


Lixin Liu 1


1 Intelligent Equipment Academy, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Tai'an, Shandong, 271001

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Lixin Liu


Blood oxygen saturation refers to the percentage of the volume of oxygenated hemoglobin bound by oxygen to the total volume of hemoglobin that can be bound in the blood. Blood oxygen saturation can reflect the oxygen carrying capacity of human blood. It is clinically believed that blood oxygen saturation is closely related to the patient's blood oxygen content. The physiological signal of blood oxygen saturation occupies a very important position in measuring our physical health indicators. Monitoring blood oxygen saturation can not only reduce the incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, but also keep abreast of the current physical condition. we used quantification methods such as average calculation and digital quantification to quantify the four types of information of participants. First, by integrating the data given by the topic, we obtained relevant data about the participants, including the age, BMI, gender, smoking history (current smoking status), blood oxygen saturation, average blood oxygen saturation, and standard deviation of blood oxygen saturation. We use MATLAB to calculate the average blood oxygen saturation and the standard deviation of blood oxygen saturation by using the blood oxygen saturation per hertz given to each person in one hour. We will take the average oxygen saturation of each person as the dependent variable, age, BMI, gender, and smoking history as the independent variables, bring the quantified data into the model, and use MATLAB for multiple linear regression calculations to obtain the corresponding regression coefficients, and the correlation coefficient, P value, error, etc., to analyze the regression results. Thus, the regression equation is obtained, and the relevant parameters are obtained to characterize a person. 


Multiple regression linear analysis, Digital quantification, Statistical analysis, MATLAB, SPSS


Lixin Liu, Statistical-based approach to the analysis of blood oxygen saturation. MEDS Clinical Medicine (2022) Vol. 3: 90-103. DOI:


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