Research on the Path and Policy Countermeasures of Digital Economy Development to Promote Modern Industry Integration
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2022.050214 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 918
Qing Guo 1, Xiyu Pu 1, Nianzhou Jiang 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Southwest University of Science and Technolog, Mianyang, China
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With the sudden outbreak of COVID-19 in 2020, the world economic situation has become grim and complicated. In this context, China has also introduced many policies to promote the deep integration of digital economy and real economy. This paper first introduces the connotation, characteristics and future development of digital economy. Then, taking Mianyang City of Sichuan Province as an example, it analyzes the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities and some threats of developing digital economy based on SWOT model. By referring to relevant materials and literature, this paper investigates the current situation of digital economy development in Chengdu and Mianyang and some difficulties they are facing as well as the current situation of modern industry integration in Mianyang. Finally, according to the above analysis, the paper puts forward some countermeasures for Mianyang digital economy development to promote the integration of modern industry, which provides important theoretical guidance and practical guidance for Mianyang enterprises to promote the integration of digital economy.
Mianyang, Digital economy, Real economy, Modern industryCITE THIS PAPER
Qing Guo, Xiyu Pu, Nianzhou Jiang, Research on the Path and Policy Countermeasures of Digital Economy Development to Promote Modern Industry Integration. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2022) Vol. 5: 88-97. DOI:
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