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Study on ecological protection assessment of Saihan dam based on TOPSIS and principal component analysis

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2022.060401 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 973


Na Li 1


1 Department of Computer Science and Technology, Tiangong University, Tianjin, 300387 China

Corresponding Author

Na Li


Saihanba plays an important role in protecting the ecological environment. Based on the principal component analysis method, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation model based on the ecological protection impact of Saihanba, and analyzes the corresponding ecological problems through the evaluation results. This paper establishes an evaluation model of the impact of the Seyhan Dam on the ecological environment. The comprehensive environmental evaluation score was chosen as the total index, as well as seven sub-indicators such as forest coverage rate and average annual precipitation. The index data of Seyhanba from 1965 to 2017 were studied and queried. Meanwhile, this paper establishes a comprehensive evaluation model of the impact of the Seyhan Dam on Beijing's ability to resist sandstorms. A comprehensive evaluation model based on TOPSIS and Spearman correlation analysis methods was established. The TOPSIS distance method was used to analyze the changes of Beijing's ability to resist sandstorms during the restoration process of the Seyhanba forestry site. The Spearman correlation analysis method was used to demonstrate that the restoration of the Seyhanba woodland was related to the enhancement of Beijing's resistance to dust storms. The absolute value of correlation coefficient was 0.5536, which was close to At 1 and was related.


principal component analysis method, superior and inferior solution distance method, Spearman coefficient correlation analysis


Na Li, Study on ecological protection assessment of Saihan dam based on TOPSIS and principal component analysis. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2022) Vol. 6: 1-7. DOI:


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