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Sport Pedagogy and Public Health: Building a Culture of Health

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DOI: 10.23977/phpm.2022.020214 | Downloads: 36 | Views: 1356


Colin G. Pennington 1


1 Tarleton State University, School of Kinesiology, Department of Sport Science

Corresponding Author

Colin G. Pennington


Quality physical education is a form of public health. When done effectively and with holistic child-development goals, the physical educator is simultaneously a 'health' educator. This article will provide an overview of basic and essential understandings of health education from a public-health perspective; exploring cultural influences and health-theory as constructs to be adopted in kinesiology and sport pedagogy. An overlapping view of their professional could streamline the work of - and maximize the effectiveness of - health and physical education practitioners in their practices, interventions, and community outreach approaches. Scholars and practitioners of kinesiology, sport pedagogy, and physical educators must make efforts to understand public health education, policy, and culture in order to enhance their effectiveness in the pursuit of their field's goals.


Physical education, public health, health education, sport pedagogy, health professionals


Colin G. Pennington, Sport Pedagogy and Public Health: Building a Culture of Health. MEDS Public Health and Preventive Medicine (2022) Vol. 2: 85-90. DOI:


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