Research on the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Community Fresh Food Stores under the Background of New Retail 2.0
DOI: 10.23977/msom.2022.030107 | Downloads: 66 | Views: 2087
Xiaoyong Lyu 1
1 College of Management, Guangdong University of Science and Technology, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
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Xiaoyong LyuABSTRACT
With the rise of purchasing vegetables online, traditional community fresh food stores are facing challenges as well as opportunities. It is a part of realizing transformation and upgrading through the Internet for traditional community fresh food stores to survive and develop in the future. This article analyzes the status quo and the development advantages of traditional community fresh food stores under the background of new retail, pointed out its predicament, put forward the transformation and upgrading strategy under the background of the traditional community fresh food store from four aspects, including customers, foods, markets, and supply chains, and reached a solid evidence through cases.
New Retail 2.0, community, fresh food, e-commerceCITE THIS PAPER
Xiaoyong Lyu, Research on the Transformation and Upgrading of Traditional Community Fresh Food Stores under the Background of New Retail 2.0. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2022) Vol. 3: 46-51. DOI:
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