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Research on the information security detection technology about encryption chips in automotive environment

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2022.070201 | Downloads: 33 | Views: 1026


Ruiqing Zhai 1, Xuebin Shao 1, Rui Zhao 1


1 CATARC Software Testing (Tianjin)Co.,Ltd., Tianjin, 300000, China

Corresponding Author

Ruiqing Zhai


With the continuous development of intelligent and connected automotive technology, information security issues have become more and more frequent, including remote attacks, network security, and physical manipulation. The automotive security chip is the most basic security foundation for the information security of the intelligent networked vehicle, and its security and encryption vulnerabilities are the most concerned points for the defenders. Security encryption chip testing technology has become increasingly mature through many years, especially the recent years. The encryption chip side channel attack and fault injection attack methods have been widely concerned, which has accelerated the development of chip encryption technology. The essential difference between automotive security chips and general security chips lies in the different using environments and application scenarios, which makes differences in testing methods. This paper mainly expounds the development of security chip testing technology and the main differences between automotive security chips and general security chips. This paper focuses on the possible development trend of injection attacks applied to automotive chips, which provides a reference for the testing technology and protection methods.


Automotive security chips, security scenarios, fault injection, security advice


Ruiqing Zhai, Xuebin Shao, Rui Zhao, Research on the information security detection technology about encryption chips in automotive environment. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2022) Vol. 7: 1-7. DOI:


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