Study on the Green Innovation Industry-University-Research Cooperation under the International Technology Spillover
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2022.050306 | Downloads: 38 | Views: 1017
Yanping Bai 1, Siyang Chen 1
1 School of Management, Capital Normal University, Beijing, China
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International technology spillover effect brought new opportunities for domestic green technology upgrade, the effect of green innovation and steady development of "industry-university-institute" cooperation have to delve into the role of value based on the bounded rationality of evolutionary game theory, the paper introduced the international technology spillover coefficient of absorption coefficient of ability to build the international technical overflow out of the green innovation evolutionary game model of "industry-university-institute" cooperation, with the aid of Matlab to explore international technology spillover effect under the action of absorptive capacity evolution behavior and at the specific results show that: International technology spillover effect has a significant influence on the convergence speed and direction of green innovation industry-University-Research cooperation. However, whether the effect brought by international technology spillover can be used by both the producer and the university-research institute depends on the technology absorption capacity of both sides.
Green Innovation, Industry-University-Research Cooperation, International Technology SpilloverCITE THIS PAPER
Yanping Bai, Siyang Chen, Study on the Green Innovation Industry-University-Research Cooperation under the International Technology Spillover. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2022) Vol. 5: 44-49. DOI:
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