Study on the Treatment of Ankle Sprain by Orthopaedic Western Medicine Surgery
DOI: 10.23977/phpm.2022.020202 | Downloads: 22 | Views: 1085
Ruoxiao Zhang 1, Xiaojun Liang 2
1 School of Shaanxi University of Chinese Medicine, Xian Yang 712046, China
2 Foot and Ankle Surgery, Honghui Hospital, Affiliated to Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710054, Shannxi, China
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Ruoxiao ZhangABSTRACT
Objective: This article analyzes the clinical effect of postoperative treatment cooperation during anesthesia in orthopedic ankle surgery. Methods: From December 2018 to December 2020, 100 orthopedic patients who received ankle surgery were treated and randomly divided into two groups, 50 cases in each group. Patients in the experimental group received postoperative treatment cooperation; patients in the control group received conventional postoperative treatment. The postoperative treatment effects of the two groups were compared. Results: The satisfaction rate of patients in the experimental group was higher than that in the control group, and the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion: Compared with conventional postoperative treatment, the application of postoperative treatment cooperation in the process of anesthesia in orthopaedic western medicine ankle surgery is more effective, which can significantly improve patient satisfaction and has great promotion significance.
Orthopedic ankle surgery, western medicine surgery, treatment cooperation, satisfactionCITE THIS PAPER
Ruoxiao Zhang, Xiaojun Liang, Study on the Treatment of Ankle Sprain by Orthopaedic Western Medicine Surgery. MEDS Public Health and Preventive Medicine (2022) Vol. 2: 9-14. DOI:
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