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Study on the Influencing Factors of Quality Innovation of High-tech Enterprises

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DOI: 10.23977/msom.2022.030103 | Downloads: 36 | Views: 1803


Yuqiong Tong 1, Qiang Liu 1, Kui He 1, Ming Liu 1


1 School of Economics and Management, Liaoning University of Technology, Jinzhou, Liaoning, 121001, China

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Yuqiong Tong


In the background of the quality era, quality competition has become more and more intense, and high-quality development has become the mainstream trend of the current national economic development, which is an important driving force of Chinese economic development. Total quality management, as one of the main ways of enterprise quality management, can hardly meet the complex and changing external quality environment, and enterprises pay more and more attention to quality innovation. This paper explores the quality innovation of high-tech enterprises based on the perspective of influencing factors, extracts five influencing factors such as technological innovation, organizational innovation, management innovation, quality culture and market competition, systematically analyzes the connotation of each influencing factor, and further explores the role relationship between quality innovation and influencing factors, so as to provide certain theoretical support for the quality innovation practice of enterprises and help Chinese economic continuous development. The study shows that the five influencing factors, such as technological innovation, organizational innovation, management innovation, quality culture and market competition, have a positive influence on the quality innovation of high-tech enterprises, and the stronger the force of the influencing factors, the more favorable it is for high-tech enterprises to carry out quality innovation.


Quality innovation, Influencing factors, Technological innovation, Organizational innovation, Management innovation, Quality culture, Market competition


Yuqiong Tong, Qiang Liu, Kui He, Ming Liu, Study on the Influencing Factors of Quality Innovation of High-tech Enterprises. Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (2022) Vol. 3: 17-23. DOI:


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