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Ecological Protection Area Impact and Construction Planning Model

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DOI: 10.23977/erej.2022.060103 | Downloads: 8 | Views: 1046


Jinye Chen 1, Yongqi Cai 1, Wen Ma 1


1 School of physics and electronic-electrical engineering, Ningxia University, Yinchuan, Ningxia, 750021, China

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Jinye Chen


The construction of ecological protection sites has a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and improving the ecological environment. The provincial-level administrative regions in China are set up from the ecological environment aspect, combine the entropy weight method and RSR to evaluate the ecological environment of all provinces and classify them according to the ecological environment situation, it is concluded that the ecological environment of six provinces are poor. From the economic development aspect, establish indicators of these six provinces, evaluate and grade according to the urgency of construction. In addition, holds that the comprehensive establishment of ecological reserve can increase the rate of carbon emission reduction in China by about 7%.


TOPSIS, Entropy weight method, RSR


Jinye Chen, Yongqi Cai, Wen Ma, Ecological Protection Area Impact and Construction Planning Model. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2022) Vol. 6: 15-19. DOI:


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