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Discussion on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in e-Commerce

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2022.070110 | Downloads: 47 | Views: 992


Liu Renrui 1


1 Shandong Vocational College of Science and Technology, Weifang City, Shandong Province, 261053, China

Corresponding Author

Liu Renrui


At present, while enhancing the value of artificial intelligence applications, it should also be applied to e-commerce operations in a more humane way. Based on this value judgment, the application model of artificial intelligence is: planning the application degree of artificial intelligence under the requirements of cost control, strengthening employee job training to enhance the ability of artificial intelligence application, building an e-commerce database to meet the needs of big data analysis, and enhance the compatibility and experience of human-computer interaction based on assistance.


Artificial intelligence, E-commerce, Application, Model


Liu Renrui, Discussion on the Application of Artificial Intelligence in e-Commerce. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2022) Vol. 7: 55-59. DOI:


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