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Research on Heat Dissipation Design Model Construction and Optimization of Submarine Data Center

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2022.070104 | Downloads: 29 | Views: 1047


Zishuai Zu 1


1 Department of Electrical Information, Shandong University of Science and Technology, Jinan, Shandong, 250031, China

Corresponding Author

Zishuai Zu


In this paper, the heat dissipation optimization of Seabed Data Center is studied, and the packing model and heat dissipation model are established. First of all, the premise of packing without considering the working environment is established. Considering packing only, the maximum number of servers that can be used is 331. Then, the heat dissipation model of heat exchange between data center and seawater is established, and the maximum number of servers is 146. The single size model of fin is established. It is assumed that the maximum size of the container shell does not exceed 1m*1m*12m, and the container is a cylindrical structure with a diameter of 1m, so the required filled fin size is 4 included angles. First of all, the mainstream heat sink needs to be selected, the appropriate heat sink is selected according to its different functions, and the rectangular fin heat dissipation type is selected. Then, the specific shape coefficient of the length, width and height of a single heat sink in the included angle region is studied. Through the study of materials, find a reasonable value range, establish constraints, and solve the maximum number of heat sinks that can accommodate 1448.


Local cooling optimization model, Material Science, fin structure


Zishuai Zu, Research on Heat Dissipation Design Model Construction and Optimization of Submarine Data Center. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2022) Vol. 7: 29-33. DOI:


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