The Vicissitudes of Marriage Custom in Sichuan during the Period of the Republic of China
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2022.040203 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 933
Yu Jianpeng 1
1 College of Marxism, Sichuan Normal University, Cheng Du, Sichuan Province, 610066, China
Corresponding Author
The interaction between marriage custom change and the development of society is a complex process. During the period of the republic of China and backwardness, the change of marriage custom is under the conflict between the traditional and the modern custom, which reflects the difficulty, chronicity and repeatability of custom and habits change in the tremendous social change. This also suggests that transforming social traditions should be based on political, economic, social and cultural progress to develop in the direction of the civilization. Generally speaking, the marriage custom in Sichuan during the Republic of China was mainly traditional, with new custom had emerged, showing the constant change of the old marriage custom and the wide spread of new marriage custom. The “elimination” of old marriage custom and the “establishment” of new marriage custom happened simultaneously, reflecting the development stage of the combination of Chinese and Western elements as well as the coexistence of the old and the new custom. The majority of rural areas still adopt traditional marriage custom, but it had a lot of changes. Meanwhile, the change of marriage custom in urban areas was faster than that in rural areas. Big cities led the change of marriage custom in small cities and towns.
The period of the republic of china, Sichuan region, The vicissitudes of marriage customCITE THIS PAPER
Yu Jianpeng, The Vicissitudes of Marriage Custom in Sichuan during the Period of the Republic of China. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2022) Vol. 4: 13-16. DOI:
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