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Traffic Network Optimization in Adjacent Areas of Chengdu's Comprehensive Transportation Hubs

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DOI: 10.23977/colsc.2019.11001 | Downloads: 32 | Views: 4994


Wang Peng 1


1 School of Economics and Management, Dalian University, Dalian, Liaoning, China

Corresponding Author

Wang Peng


The urban integrated transportation junction is the most important visitor assembly and evacuation area in modern cities. However, adjacent areas are prone to crowd and traffic congestion, which affects the normal operation of the junction and even the whole urban traffic system. Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the traffic network of adjacent areas to ensure the efficiency of the hub service. Taking four major junction stations in Chengdu as examples, the paper establishes research models for the urban metro and urban road traffic network based on Space Syntax. Moreover, through analysis of the macro and micro levels of integration, it evaluates the mean depth and connectivity, accessibility, centrality and permeability of the traffic network state. The paper then proposes some suggestions to optimize the traffic networks in the adjacent areas of the four major junction stations, which could be used to guide the spatial developments of adjacent areas.


Space syntax; city comprehensive transportation hub; hub's adjacent areas; traffic network optimization


Wang Peng, Traffic Network Optimization in Adjacent Areas of Chengdu's Comprehensive Transportation Hubs. Collaborative and Social Computing (2019) 1: 1-5. DOI:


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