The Theoretical Study on Bilateralism and Multilateralism of National Security Approach
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2021.030824 | Downloads: 5 | Views: 1041
Yao Qian 1
1 Shandong Jianzhu University Marxism College, Jinan, Shandong 25010, China
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The paper is written with the purpose of researching bilateral and multilateral national security approaches through digging in the theory of international relation. The contents would be related to some bilateral and multilateral national security policies states usually fashioned, and engaging in providing a theoretical platform for understanding some states’ behaviors in the international community.
Bilateralism, Multilateralism, Security policy, International relationCITE THIS PAPER
Yao Qian, The Theoretical Study on Bilateralism and Multilateralism of National Security Approach. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2021) 3: 133-135. DOI:
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