Several Problems and Their Solutions in Translation Teaching for English Majors in Colleges and Universities
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2021.030804 | Downloads: 3 | Views: 1000
Li Yahong 1
1 School of Foreign Languages, Yunnan Minzu University, 650500, Kunming, Yunnan, China
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As an important international lingua franca, English plays an important role in the communication between countries. Colleges and universities should comply with the trend of globalization and cultivate students’ good English proficiency, especially to strengthen the cultivation of English skills of English majors and improve their professional accomplishment and professional ability. As an important part of English learning, translation plays an important role in the mastery and application of English skills, which requires colleges and universities to improve the quality of translation teaching for English majors and innovate their teaching modes. Training high-quality English professional translators is required. This thesis focuses on how to improve the quality of translation teaching for English majors in colleges and universities and puts forward some effective measures to optimize their translation teaching methods.
English translation teaching, Colleges and universities, Problems and measuresCITE THIS PAPER
Li Yahong, Several Problems and Their Solutions in Translation Teaching for English Majors in Colleges and Universities. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2021) 3: 15-17. DOI:
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