The Rmosolutal Chemically Reacting Mhd Natural Convective Flow Past a Low -Heat -Resistance Sheet With Soret Effect
DOI: 10.23977/jptc.2019.21004 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 3615
S.Kapoor 1, Shamik Day 2, V.Dabral 3
1 Department of Education in Mathematics, Regional Institute of Education (NCERT), Bhubaneswar
2 Engineer, Normet India (P) Ltd., Jaipur, India
3 Department of Mathematics, H.N.B Garhwal University, Srinagar
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The present work is focused on the study of thermo-solutal chemically reacting MHD natural convective flow past as low-heat-resistance sheet under soret effect. The physical boundary layer flow is presented in term of mathematical model form i.e set of nonlinear PDE namely momentum, energy and concentration equations. The coupled set of PDE is transformed into system of ODE using the similarity transformation. The transformed system of equation solved numerically using Finite difference method. The study of different physical parameters is presented graphically. The obtained results are also verified with some existing result under special case. The work is motivated from [7] and further extended by inclusion of chemical reaction and soret effect.
Thermosolutal, Chemical reaction, Soret Effect, Low-Heat-Resistance sheet.CITE THIS PAPER
S.Kapoor, Shamik Day, and V.Dabral, The Rmosolutal Chemically Reacting Mhd Natural Convective Flow Past a Low -Heat -Resistance Sheet With Soret Effect, Journal of Physics Through Computation (2019) Vol. 2: 17-20. DOI:
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