The Influence of Dual-Class Share Structure on Enterprises--Take UCloud as an example
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2021.040211 | Downloads: 139 | Views: 1544
Haihua Wu 1
1 Accounting School, Nanfang College, Guangzhou, Guangzhou, 510970, China
Corresponding Author
In recent years, many outstanding technology companies in China have chosen to list overseas with dual-class share structure. The reason is that the dual class shares can prevent the founder's control from being diluted during financing. This article analyzes the first dual-class company on the Science and Technology Innovation Board in China, UCloud, to explore the impact of dual class shares on corporate governance, and proposes corresponding recommendations: prevent abuse of special voting rights and strengthen the protection of the interests of small and medium shareholders.
Dual-class share structure, Voting rights, Ucloud, Controlling shareholdersCITE THIS PAPER
Haihua Wu. The Influence of Dual-Class Share Structure on Enterprises--Take UCloud as an example. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2021) 4: 66-73. DOI:
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