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Current Status and Trend of Landfill Technology -- Quantitative Analysis of Landfill Profiles Based on Histcite

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2021.030502 | Downloads: 5 | Views: 1173


XIE Wengang 1, LONG Sijie 1, ZHANG Xiong 2, SUN Xuemei 2, ZHOU Xiaojuan 1, YANG Yu 1


1 Central South Design and Research Institute of China Municipal Engineering Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430014, China
2 Wuhan Environmental Investment and Development Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan, Hubei 430014, China

Corresponding Author

XIE Wengang


Analyzing the development in China’s landfill technology research ranges from 1997 to 2020 at the aspects of chronological distribution, high-yield journals, high-yield research institutions and keyword hotspot through Histcite, which sets landfill relevant studies in Web of Science as statistical samples. The result indicates: 1) The engineering application of landfill has declined, but the interest in landfill academic research has increased per year. 2) Although China’s landfill technology is globally highly researched, the depth and recognition of research need to be further improved from the facets of cited times. 3) Landfill articles published in JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS have the highest impact factor and better recognition. 4) Tongji University is the critical institute of landfill technology research. 5) The research hotspots in recent 24 years are leachate treatment methods, leachate composition analysis, landfill gas treatment and oxidation repair technology, etc.


Histcite, Landfill technology, Core periodical, Core institution, Hotspot of research, Development trend


XIE Wengang, LONG Sijie, ZHANG Xiong, SUN Xuemei, ZHOU Xiaojuan, YANG Yu. Current Status and Trend of Landfill Technology -- Quantitative Analysis of Landfill Profiles Based on Histcite. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2021) 3: 6-16. DOI:


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