The Present Situation and Countermeasure Analysis of Chinese Biological Medicine Industry Development
DOI: 10.23977/ieim.2021.040207 | Downloads: 50 | Views: 1242
Haigen Tu 1
1 College of Statistics, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang, China
Corresponding Author
As China's economic power has been increasing since the reforming and opening up, biological medicine industry gets rapid development, the position in national economy system has been gradually increased, biological medicine industry is an important industry in people's life and health. With the improvement of people's health consciousness, to promote the growing demand for the medicine, all countries has put more and more attention in the development of medical field, the modern biological medicine industry has entered the stage of rapid development. Biological medicine industry is known as the most potential and competitive "sunrise industry" in 21st century, and also known as one of the strategic emerging industries in China to achieve the target of "scientific development, carry catch up, green rise". Combined with Chinese advantages such like that, medicinal herbs is sufficient, the industrial cluster effect is obvious, leading enterprise benefit is highlighted and the new drug varieties is increasing year by year, how to grasp the trend of biomedical technology, rationally allocate the resources of science and technology, accurately choose the priority of industry development areas, which makes great importance to the development of China's future.
China, Biological medicine, Industry development, MeasuresCITE THIS PAPER
Haigen Tu. The Present Situation and Countermeasure Analysis of Chinese Biological Medicine Industry Development. Industrial Engineering and Innovation Management (2021) 4: 38-50. DOI:
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