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Intelligent Wireless Environmental Monitoring System of University Laboratory Based on Internet of Things

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DOI: 10.23977/iotea.2016.11001 | Downloads: 184 | Views: 8412


Jiang Wenwen 1, Zhai Linbo 1, Gong Wenjing 1, Zhang Feifan 1, Gong Yuxin 1


1 School of Information Science and Engineering, Shandong Normal University, Jinan, China.

Corresponding Author

Zhai Linbo


The system is mainly used in university laboratories. The main purpose we design this system is to monitor the data of laboratory environment timely and improve the efficiency of laboratory inspection. The system mainly includes three parts: the front data acquisition, wireless communication and security alarm. The single chip microcomputer is the core of this system. The system is integrated with GPRS wireless communication and sensor function module, therefore, it can realize the data monitoring and short message warning. After many tests, the function of front-end data acquisition can be realized normally, not only the data transmission is reliable but also the alarm message is received in a timely manner. By modifying the function module, the system can also be applied to other environmental monitoring, which has a certain practical and promotional value.


university laboratory, environmental monitoring, single chip microcomputer, wireless communication


Wenwen, J. , Linbo, Z. , Feifan, Z. , Wenjing, G. and Yuxin, G. (2016) Intelligent Wireless Environmental Monitoring System of University Laboratory Based on Internet of Things. Internet of Things (IoT) and Engineering Applications (2016) 1: 1-5.


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