Case Study Report-Analysis of Hack by Triple J and Junkee
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2021.21011 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 1715
1 Monash University Australia, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
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An increasing number of young people have lost their interests in browsing news and sharing their opinions on traditional news outlets, because they are stereotyped in most mainstream media organizations which also treat youth’s comments as without any authoritative. To correct the mainstream media's misrepresentation and ignorance of young people, some online media platforms have devoted to develop youth journalism and encourage their digital engagement. In this report, the author choose Hack by Triple J and Junkee, the representative youth media in Australia, as two cases to analyze the reasons why they are more popular among Aussie youth than conventional media outlets and how they Reinvigorate young people's political participation.
Youth media, Traditional media, Young people, Hack by triple j, junkeeCITE THIS PAPER
LINXIN WANG. Case Study Report-Analysis of Hack by Triple J and Junkee. Art and Performance Letters (2021) 2: 51-56. DOI:
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