Brand Design of Qiang Embroidery from the Perspective of Symbol Consumption
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2021.21009 | Downloads: 11 | Views: 1232
Zhiwei Wang 1, Shuke Xu 1
1 School of Art , Southwest Minzu University, Sichuan, 61004, China
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Symbol consumption is the product of consumer society which is fundamentally a result of the development of social productivity and commodity oversupply. In the increasing fierce market competition, the enterprises need to design their brand image if they want to stand out. Today, the consumers make their choice not only on function and quality, but also their psychological demands met by the products. The main object of this consumption is not the product itself, but a certain meaning given to it, this kind of behavior is called symbolic consumption. In the tourism market in area of Qiang people, both businesses and consumers have the demand of symbol consumption, especially the Chinese national intangible cultural heritage -- Qiang embroidery, which is regarded as a brilliant constituent in Qiang culture. Its inheritance and development is arefacing a severe test. How to help Qiang embroidery, the visual symbol of Qiang people, survive in consumer society is one of the problems to be solved. Although some enterprises dedicate to Qiang embroidery product design, from the marketing point of view, there is still some space for development. The long-term field survey finds that one of the reasons for the bottleneck in Qiang embroidery in bottleneck development is the lack of brand design. Therefore, this paper focuses on the brand visual image of Qiang embroidery in order to further improve its symbol value, so that it can be better inherited and developed in the symbolic consumption society.
Qiang embroidery, Symbol consumption, Brand visual imageCITE THIS PAPER
Zhiwei Wang, Shuke Xu. Brand Design of Qiang Embroidery from the Perspective of Symbol Consumption. Art and Performance Letters (2021) 2: 40-46. DOI:
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