Theoretical definition and evaluation of marine cultural resources from the perspective of rural revitalization: a literature review
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2021.050211 | Downloads: 37 | Views: 1440
Yongjie Wu 1
1 Shanghai Maritime University, Shanghai, 200000, China
Corresponding Author
Since the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China introduced the national strategy for rural revitalization, rural areas in China have actively used their own advantages, combined with local practices, and explored new development paths. Among them, cultural resources and cultural tourism have played an increasingly prominent role in rural revitalization, especially it is in coastal rural areas rich in marine cultural resources, and the integration of cultural and tourism is the focus of rural revitalization and development.
Rural Revitalization Strategy, Theory of Marine Cultural Resources, Cultural Tourism, Resource AssessmentCITE THIS PAPER
Yongjie Wu. Theoretical definition and evaluation of marine cultural resources from the perspective of rural revitalization: a literature review. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2021) 5: 49-52. DOI:
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