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The Impact of WeChat Moments Tourism Video Sharing Behavior on Tourism Intentions: A Case Study of Guizhou

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DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070323 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 179


Xingmei Huang 1, Chenghuan Deng 1, Yimeng Chen 1


1 School of Tourism Management, Guizhou University of Commerce, Guiyang, Guizhou Province, China

Corresponding Author

Yimeng Chen


This paper is based on the Attitude ABC Theory and constructs a research model with video quality as the independent variable, cognitive and affective images as the mediating variables, and tourism intention as the outcome variable, incorporating relationship strength as a moderating variable. A survey was conducted on the audience of Guizhou tourism video sharing in WeChat Moments, and the model was tested using Amos software on 309 questionnaires. The results showed that the quality of tourism videos has a significant positive impact on the audience's cognitive and affective images of the destination; the cognitive image significantly affects the affective image, and both cognitive and affective images have a significant positive impact on tourism intention; relationship strength does not play a moderating role in the process of tourism video quality affecting the tourism intention of potential tourists, but it has a significant positive impact on tourism intention. The research findings reveal the influence mechanism of WeChat Moments tourism video sharing behavior on tourism intention, which has practical significance for enhancing the marketing of tourism destinations through WeChat Moments tourism video sharing.


WeChat Moments; Tourism Video; Sharing Behavior; Tourism Intention


Xingmei Huang, Chenghuan Deng, Yimeng Chen, The Impact of WeChat Moments Tourism Video Sharing Behavior on Tourism Intentions: A Case Study of Guizhou. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 199-208. DOI:


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