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Research on the Evolution, Reconstruction, and Impact Mechanism of Traditional Festival Cultural Landscape in Shandong Marine Tourism Destination

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DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070322 | Downloads: 6 | Views: 172


Tao Ge 1,2


1 College of Humanities and Communication, Shandong Technology and Business University, Yantai, Shandong, 264005, China
2 Insititute of International Education, New Era University College, Kajang, Selangor, 410500, Malaysia

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Tao Ge


The traditional festival cultural landscape of Shandong's marine tourism destinations faces the dual challenges of gradual disappearance and reconstruction. This paper aims to explore the evolution and reconstruction process of the traditional festival cultural landscape of Shandong's marine tourism destinations and its influencing mechanism. The research methods include literature analysis (i.e. systematic compilation of relevant historical data, policy documents and academic papers), field research (i.e. observing and recording the specific implementation of festival activities), and in-depth investigation (i.e. semi-structured interviews with local residents, festival organizers and tourists to obtain subjective feelings and opinions on festival changes). In addition, quantitative analysis methods are used to conduct statistical analysis on the collected survey data to quantify the changes in participation and the improvement in the festival’s influence. Through a case study of 10 typical festivals, it was found that the cultural landscape of traditional festivals has undergone a significant evolution in the past five years, and festival projects are facing the risk of disappearing; through reconstruction measures, the influence and participation of the festivals were successfully improved. After the reconstruction, the participation rate of the Rongcheng International Ocean Festival increased from 55% to 65%. The study shows that the protection and reconstruction of traditional festival cultural landscapes not only contributes to cultural inheritance, but also promotes local economic development.


Shandong Tourist Destinations; Traditional Holidays; Cultural Landscape Evolution; Influencing Mechanism


Tao Ge, Study on Consumption Demand of Domestic Tourists in Hainan Free Trade Port. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 191-198. DOI:


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