Influence of Artificial Light on Visitors' Emotional Arousal in Memorial Space: A Case Study of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall
DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2024.060603 | Downloads: 9 | Views: 188
Wang Xinhao 1, Shi Keyi 1
1 Zhujiang College, South China Agricultural University, Guangzhou, China
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Memorial spaces, vital for humanity's survival and a nation's spiritual continuity, serve as focal points for commemorating cultural heritage and transmitting ideology. Despite their key role in urban development, a considerable deficit exists in emotional design within memorial halls, notably in China. Artificial light design seldom aligns with emotional considerations, and limited research necessitates a logical framework for integrating emotional design. Due to the distinctive cultural and spiritual connotation of memorial halls, their artificial light design differs significantly from other interior spaces. Therefore, this study aims to explore the critical role of artificial light in shaping visitors' emotional experiences within memorial spaces, using the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall as a case study. The objectives of this paper are to (a) assess the influence of diverse artificial lighting forms on visitors' emotions in memorial halls and (b) formulate a comprehensive design framework for artificial lighting based on empirical findings. Employing an exploratory methodology, the study engaged 300 respondents through survey questionnaires, field observations, and photographic recordings. The results indicate that thoughtfully designed artificial lighting positively influences visitors' emotional arousal in memorials, contributing to the distinct atmosphere and capable of evoking diverse emotions.
Memorial Space, Emotional Arousal, Artificial Light, Memorial Hall, Civilizational SustainabilityCITE THIS PAPER
Wang Xinhao, Shi Keyi, Influence of Artificial Light on Visitors' Emotional Arousal in Memorial Space: A Case Study of the Nanjing Massacre Memorial Hall. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2024) Vol. 6: 15-23. DOI:
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