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An Exploration of the Dynamic Inheritance Path of Intangible Cultural Heritage Enabled by the Metaverse

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DOI: 10.23977/jsoce.2024.060602 | Downloads: 16 | Views: 227


Zhao Lili 1, Gao Yang 1


1 Heilongjiang Institute of Technology, College of Art and Design, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province, 150050, China

Corresponding Author

Zhao Lili


This paper briefly analyzes the difficulties faced by the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage, and discusses how the meta-universe can provide assistance for the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage through its digital intelligent inheritance technology characteristics. As an important trend of the development of Web3.0, the meta-universe will have a profound impact on the structure of human society. The meta-universe uses technical logic such as virtual reality and virtual-real integration, as well as the content creation mode of open editing, to open up a new path for the inheritance of intangible cultural heritage. From the strategic planning, to the construction of immersive experience platform, from the innovative "cloud" tour mode, to the creation of meta-universe virtual performance, and then to the shaping of virtual "inheritors" and the construction of diversified business models, we have deeply discussed the development strategy and implementation path of intangible cultural heritage living inheritance.


Meta-universe; Intangible cultural heritage; Living state; Inheritance; Path; Probe


Zhao Lili, Gao Yang, An Exploration of the Dynamic Inheritance Path of Intangible Cultural Heritage Enabled by the Metaverse. Journal of Sociology and Ethnology (2024) Vol. 6: 8-14. DOI:


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