Research on the Application of Modern Technology in the Display Scene of Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070319 | Downloads: 4 | Views: 186
Zhou Xuefan 1, Zhang Qiyue 2
1 Department of Tourism Management, Guizhou University of Commerce, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China
2 Department of International Education, Guizhou University of Commerce, Guiyang City, Guizhou Province, China
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This study found through a questionnaire survey that contemporary technology has become a key tool for improving exhibition effectiveness and enhancing science education in the Geological Museum of Guizhou Province. The use of virtual reality technology can provide visitors with a more immersive sightseeing experience, significantly enhancing the attractiveness and interactivity of museums; After applying digital display technology, geological knowledge has become clearer and easier to understand; The intelligent navigation system not only provides personalized guidance services for tourists, but also greatly enhances the convenience of the visiting experience. This study also delves into the potential benefits of modern technology in the fields of geological museum exhibition design, popular science education, and cultural exchange. At the same time, suggestions are provided to further promote the application of modern technology in the Guizhou Geological Museum.
Guizhou Geological Museum; Modern technology; Display SceneCITE THIS PAPER
Zhou Xuefan, Zhang Qiyue, Research on the Application of Modern Technology in the Display Scene of Guizhou Provincial Geological Museum. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 165-174. DOI:
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