Research on the Effective Interactive Relationship among Community Trust, Community Tourism Participation, and Community Governance: A Case Study of Dacun in Xizhu Street
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070317 | Downloads: 18 | Views: 419
Liao Yanzhi 1, Luo Yiling 1
1 School of Tourism, Kunming University, Kunming, Yunnan Province, China
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Community trust is a core element of the complex system woven from multiple factors in rural tourism areas. It holds significant implications for breaking through the linear framework of existing research, promoting the sustainable development of rural tourism, and implementing the rural revitalization strategy. This study examines the interplay between community trust, participation, and governance in rural tourism, using Dacun Community in Kunming as a case. It employs SPSS 24.0 and AMOS 26.0 to analyze the relationships and internal logic among these factors in the context of tourism development. The findings reveal that: 1) Strengthening community trust significantly positively impacts community participation and governance effectiveness; 2) Enhancing community participation improves governance efficiency; 3) Community trust plays an essential mediating role between community participation and governance. Finally, based on the research conclusions, targeted pathways for strengthening community trust are proposed to provide valuable references for related fields.
Community trust; Community participation; Community governanceCITE THIS PAPER
Liao Yanzhi, Luo Yiling, Research on the Effective Interactive Relationship among Community Trust, Community Tourism Participation, and Community Governance: A Case Study of Dacun in Xizhu Street . Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 147-158. DOI:
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