Research on Cultural Tourism Marketing of Social Network Media in the Context of Internet plus
DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070316 | Downloads: 53 | Views: 449
Ma Ling 1
1 Anhui Vocational College of Defense Technology, Lu'an City, Anhui Province, 237011, China
Corresponding Author
With the development of social economy, China has paid more attention to the development and promotion of cultural tourism. In the context of Internet plus, cultural tourism marketing means are constantly updated. However, from the current situation, the role of social media in cultural tourism marketing is not enough, and there are also some problems in cultural tourism marketing. This article will analyze the marketing methods of social media and propose cultural tourism marketing strategies for social media, hoping to help promote the development of China's cultural tourism industry.
Internet plus; Social media platforms; Cultural tourism marketingCITE THIS PAPER
Ma Ling, Research on Cultural Tourism Marketing of Social Network Media in the Context of Internet plus. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 142-146. DOI:
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