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Research on the Impact of Short Food Videos on Consumer Travel Intentions: The Mediating Role of Destination Image

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DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070312 | Downloads: 41 | Views: 456


Yao Yao 1


1 University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia

Corresponding Author

Yao Yao


Based on destination image theory and the Stimulus-Organism-Response (SOR) model, this study employs structural equation modeling to examine the impact of food-related short videos on destination image and travel intentions. The findings reveal: First, the uniqueness of food culture, perceived authenticity, perceived interestingness, perceived interactivity, opinion leaders, and sense of presence presented in food-related short videos significantly and positively influence both cognitive and affective destination images. Among these factors, opinion leaders have the most substantial impact on potential tourists' cognitive and affective perceptions of the destination. Second, the aforementioned elements in food-related short videos significantly and positively influence travel intentions, with opinion leaders and sense of presence playing crucial roles in shaping consumers' travel intentions. Third, cognitive and affective images mediate the relationship between food-related short videos and travel intentions. These videos can indirectly influence travel intentions by altering potential tourists' perceptions of the destination's cognitive and affective images, thereby facilitating the transformation of potential tourists into actual tourists. Based on these findings, the following recommendations are proposed: emphasize authenticity and atmosphere in short video content; integrate local characteristics and culture into food-related short videos; enhance interactive experiences in short videos; strengthen collaboration with short video opinion leaders; regularly monitor audience feedback to grasp market trends; and pay attention to and mitigate negative word-of-mouth.


Food tourism; Food-related short videos; Travel intentions; Destination image; SOR model


Yao Yao, Research on the Impact of Short Food Videos on Consumer Travel Intentions: The Mediating Role of Destination Image. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 104-117. DOI:


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