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A Fast Clustering Algorithm for Power Data

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DOI: 10.23977/poweet.2017.11007 | Downloads: 32 | Views: 6406


Shuqin Zeng 1, Haizhou Du 1, Tingting Dou 1


1 School of Computer Science and Technology, Shanghai University of Electric Power

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Shuqin Zeng


Energy conservation is an urgent issue to solve on a global scale. A more and more widely used method for energy saving and emission reduction is the applications of  data mining technology including data clustering in power system. However, power data has characteristics of large volume, high dimensions, discrete and complex datasets which lead to poor clustering results when we choose common classic clustering algorithm. In our paper, we proposed D-CFSFDP algorithm which is suitable for power data clustering. We do experiments compared with DBSCAN algorithm and K-means algorithm. We demonstrate the power of the algorithm on the power data from Shanghai Energy Conservation Supervision Center.


Power data clustering, Density-based Clustering, Energy saving.


Shuqin, Z. , Haizhou, D. and Tingting,D. A Fast Clustering Algorithm for Power Data. International Journal of Power Engineering and Engineering Thermophysics (2017) 1: 40-46.


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