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Study on the Economic Carrying Capacity and Peak Diversion of Plateau Mountainous Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Siguniang Mountain Town

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DOI: 10.23977/tmte.2024.070302 | Downloads: 23 | Views: 431


Liu Xia 1, Lin Honggui 1, Zhao Chuan 2, Shi Qing 1


1 Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture Comprehensive Tourism Research Institute, Malkang, Sichuan, 624000, China
2 Sichuan Academy of Social Sciences, Chengdu, 610000, China

Corresponding Author

Liu Xia


Mountain tourism has become an important component of global tourism, and with the surge in tourism demand, mountainous tourism destinations are facing enormous challenges. Siguniang Mountain is a world-renowned outdoor mountainous tourist attraction, but there are often difficult tourist turnover and traffic congestion events during peak hours. Based on existing research on tourism carrying capacity both domestically and internationally, this study selects a suitable econometric model for measuring the tourism economic carrying capacity of Siguniang Mountain Town. It is calculated that the tourism economic carrying capacity of the study area during peak tourism hours is 11785 overnight tourists per day and 3813 non overnight tourists per day. Based on the current situation of the study area and peripheral service facilities, measures are proposed to divert tourists during peak periods.


Plateau mountainous tourism destination; Tourism economic carrying capacity; Peak diversion


Liu Xia, Lin Honggui, Zhao Chuan, Shi Qing, Study on the Economic Carrying Capacity and Peak Diversion of Plateau Mountainous Tourism Destinations: A Case Study of Siguniang Mountain Town. Tourism Management and Technology Economy (2024) Vol. 7: 9-18. DOI:


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