Pathways and Plans for Achieving Peak Urban Carbon Emissions
DOI: 10.23977/erej.2024.080207 | Downloads: 36 | Views: 362
Hao Liu 1, Qinghua Liang 2
1 Beijing Degu Jiamei Environmental Technology Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
2 Baotou Iron and Steel Vocational and Technical College, Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China
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As global climate change intensifies, reducing carbon emissions and achieving carbon neutrality have become common global goals. As the world's largest developing country, China has significant responsibilities in addressing climate change. The Chinese government has proposed targets for peak carbon emissions and carbon neutrality, aiming to achieve these through measures such as optimizing the energy structure, improving energy efficiency, developing a circular economy, and increasing carbon sinks. By improving energy efficiency, enhancing traffic management, and strengthening waste management, a series of policy measures can help achieve peak urban carbon emissions. This paper will explore the pathways and plans for achieving peak urban carbon emissions, providing valuable references for cities aiming to meet peak carbon targets.
Peak urban carbon emissions; Pathways; PlansCITE THIS PAPER
Hao Liu, Qinghua Liang, Pathways and Plans for Achieving Peak Urban Carbon Emissions. Environment, Resource and Ecology Journal (2024) Vol. 8: 45-50. DOI:
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