Research on medical insurance fraud identification method based on multi-source datasets
DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2024.090307 | Downloads: 14 | Views: 458
Jinhong Zhang 1
1 School of Economics and Management, Jinzhong College of Information, Jinzhong, Shanxi, 030800, China
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Jinhong ZhangABSTRACT
Due to the fact that datasets pertaining to health insurance are typically stored in different departments and involve multiple databases, conventional data analysis and traditional fraud research methods often fall short in accurately identifying fraudulent activities. To address this challenge, this paper, on one hand, starts by recognizing the unique characteristics of various collected datasets. It employs a multi-source data fusion approach, initially combining their features. Subsequently, an exploratory data analysis is conducted on the fused dataset. Compared to previous single datasets, the merged dataset contains more features, significantly enhancing the model's fitting performance. This approach maximizes the utilization of information within the data, allowing for better exploitation of the data's potential.On the other hand, this paper integrates the strategy of active learning with traditional logistic regression methods, constructing a novel model. The model is initially trained on labeled datasets, and after multiple experiments, it was observed that the fitting accuracy of the active learning model, constructed using the BT strategy (a type of active learning sample extraction strategy), surpassed that of a standalone logistic regression model. This innovative approach provides a new avenue for improving the accuracy of health insurance fraud detection.
Insurance fraud; Active learning; Logistic RegressionCITE THIS PAPER
Jinhong Zhang, Research on medical insurance fraud identification method based on multi-source datasets. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2024) Vol. 9: 41-47. DOI:
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