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Research on the path of building smart society from the perspective of big data

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DOI: 10.23977/jeis.2024.090306 | Downloads: 27 | Views: 400


Defa Cai 1, Fengshi Han 1, Yanyan Wang 1


1 School of Public Finance and Administration, Harbin University of Commerce, Harbin, China

Corresponding Author

Yanyan Wang


In the new era of rapid development of information technology, the construction of a smart society based on big data has increasingly attracted the attention of the government, and the smart society meets the requirements of new public management and the trend of social change, and some cities in China are already in the forefront of global smart cities.However, in the process of building a smart society based on big data, it still faces difficulties such as severe information protection situation, uneven construction process, and insufficient diversification of the main structure, which need to be studied urgently.Based on this, it is imperative to ensure network security to maintain personal information, pay attention to public experience to optimize collaborative development, and commit to talent training to scientific top-level design.


Big data; Intelligent society; Information security; Top-level design


Defa Cai, Fengshi Han, Yanyan Wang, Research on the path of building smart society from the perspective of big data. Journal of Electronics and Information Science (2024) Vol. 9: 36-40. DOI:


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