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Practical Research on the Integration of Ideological and Political Education into Mathematics Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges

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DOI: 10.23977/avte.2024.060422 | Downloads: 10 | Views: 192


Jing Lv 1, Wenjie Liu 1, Lingling Bai 1, Wenying Liu 1


1 Department of Basic Courses, Shanghai Communications Polytechnic, Shanghai, China

Corresponding Author

Jing Lv


The purpose of this paper is to discuss the practice and method of integrating Ideological and Political Education into higher vocational mathematics teaching. And the paper elaborates the current teaching situation of integrating Ideological and Political Education into higher vocational mathematics teaching by the way of analyzing the connotation and significance of Ideological and Political Education. In addition, the paper  explores the realization path of integrating Ideological and Political Education into higher vocational mathematics teaching from both macro and micro aspects, the path to realisation includes the following aspects: scientific setting of the framework for building Ideological and Political Education, the formulation of relevant policies and systems, the enhancement of teachers' ability of Ideological and Political Education, the reforms of the content of teaching, method of teaching and evaluation of teaching. So that we can achieve the organic unity of knowledge teaching and value leadership, and the cultivation of high-quality technical and skilled talents with both moral and technical skills.


Ideological and Political Education; Higher Vocational Mathematics; Practical Research


Jing Lv, Wenjie Liu, Lingling Bai, Wenying Liu, Practical Research on the Integration of Ideological and Political Education into Mathematics Teaching in Higher Vocational Colleges. Advances in Vocational and Technical Education (2024) Vol. 6: 161-165. DOI:


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