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The Effect of Pay Satisfaction on Employees' Contextual Performance: The Mediating Role of Self-efficacy and Organizational Identification

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DOI: 10.23977/avte.2024.060421 | Downloads: 13 | Views: 177


Chunli Pan 1


1 Beijing Technology and Business University, Beijing, China

Corresponding Author

Chunli Pan


Based on the theory of social exchange and the theory of organizational citizen behavior, this paper includes pay satisfaction, self-efficacy, organizational identification, contextual performance, leadership, and emotional exhaustion in the research model. Drawing on the mature scale design questionnaire, the data of 205 subjects with existing work experience was collected. Through empirical analysis, it is found that pay satisfaction positively affects the contextual performance; self-efficacy plays a significant positive mediating role in the relationship between pay satisfaction and contextual performance; organization recognition plays a significant positive mediating role in the relationship between pay satisfaction and contextual performance; and the moderating role of servant leadership and emotional exhaustion is not significant.


Contextual performance; pay satisfaction; self-efficacy; organizational identification; social exchange; organizational citizenship behavior


Chunli Pan, The Effect of Pay Satisfaction on Employees' Contextual Performance: The Mediating Role of Self-efficacy and Organizational Identification. Advances in Vocational and Technical Education (2024) Vol. 6: 144-160. DOI:


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