The Role and Impact of Sustainable Design in AI Digital Media and Arts
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050224 | Downloads: 21 | Views: 452
Yaozi Chen 1
1 Gele University, Bangkok, 510310, Thailand
Corresponding Author
This paper explores the importance, role, and impact of sustainable design in the field of AI digital media and arts. With the rapid development of digital technology, the application of artificial intelligence in media and art is becoming increasingly widespread. However, its potential impacts on the environment and society are also garnering attention. Sustainable design, as an emerging design philosophy, emphasizes considering environmental, social, and economic sustainability throughout the lifecycle of products and services. Through case studies and theoretical discussion, this paper elucidates the practical application and significance of sustainable design in AI digital media and arts, aiming to provide references and insights for practitioners and researchers in related fields.
Sustainable design, artificial intelligence, digital media, art, environmental impact, social impact, economic impactCITE THIS PAPER
Yaozi Chen, The Role and Impact of Sustainable Design in AI Digital Media and Arts. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 159-165. DOI:
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