The Fusion of Traditional Art and Modern Design: A Path to Cross-disciplinary Innovation
DOI: 10.23977/artpl.2024.050217 | Downloads: 51 | Views: 875
Xiaoyi Lian 1
1 Henan Institute of Light Industry, Zhengzhou, 450000, China
Corresponding Author
In the context of globalization and technological innovation, traditional art faces unprecedented challenges and opportunities. By delving into the core values and expressions of traditional art, this paper discusses how to reinterpret and apply these elements in modern design practices, as well as promote their integration through interdisciplinary collaboration and technological innovation. We also explore the main challenges to be overcome in the integration process, including conflicts between cultural heritage and innovation, and the complexity of interdisciplinary collaboration, and propose corresponding solutions. Ultimately, this paper emphasizes the importance of maintaining cultural sensitivity and promoting sustainable development in fostering the integration of traditional art and modern design.
Traditional Art; Modern Design; Cross-disciplinary Innovation; Interdisciplinary Collaboration; Cultural Sensitivity; Sustainable DevelopmentCITE THIS PAPER
Xiaoyi Lian, The Fusion of Traditional Art and Modern Design: A Path to Cross-disciplinary Innovation. Art and Performance Letters (2024) Vol. 5: 115-121. DOI:
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